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Attention, nerds and geeks: This woman will not date you. |
From what I've gathered by scanning its Wikipedia page, G4 launched about nine years ago with several shows about video games. That kind of programming appeals to a particular kind of demographic. What I've also noticed about G4, thanks to a steady diet of COPS/Campus PD/Cheaters, is that a lot of its shows are hosted or co-hosted by very attractive women.
And therein is the con. Picture the typical gamer, someone who spends most of his waking hours (and hours a normal person wouldn't be awake) trying to complete Halo 2 or Final Fantasy Infinity, and you picture a guy with questionable hygiene whose forwarding address is Mom's Basement, USA. This is a generalization, yes, but there is a great deal of reality to it, about which I'll explain later.
G4's female-hiring decision is very smart, because...
...it gives the gamer we pictured above, along with the teen boy who probably has yet to date a live girl, something that wasn't given to me when I was the age of the teen boy who had yet to date a live girl: hope, much of it false.
To be honest, I wasn't one who actively ogled the girls of swimsuit calendars and hair-band videos. I did find attractive women, well, attractive, but I didn't drool over them like some of my friends, who resembled the horny wolf in the old Tex Avery cartoons. I remember watching MTV at my friend Cal's house (a luxury because my parents didn't have cable, something I'll bitch-blog about in the future) with another friend, Brad — we were probably 15 — and when we started watching this video:
...the two of them not only knew the timing of every Tawny Kitaen gesture better than the video's choreographer, they also dissected her parts like they were describing the cars she was writhing on, and comparing her with other hotties of the day like Elle Macpherson and Paulina whateverhernameis.
"I think I'd rather date Elle," Brad would say, Brad and "Elle" enjoying first-name familiarity.
"I don't know," Cal would reply, "I think Elle's front teeth are a little too big."
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Hey, hey Paula, I wanna marry your partner. |
Before you claim that I'm some kind of egghead elitist, which I am, I should note some of my own gaming credentials. I've played video games most of my life, and spent most of 2006 playing Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, and spend many moments with kids playing the Wii that would be otherwise wasted by reading to them. I also worked for Pokemon (and got hooked on their games) for a year and a half. I just don't have the time or the money (a PS3 is somewhere on my list of Things I Really Want But We Need To Save Up For A New Muffler For The Car First) to play every hot game when it's released.
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She will not return your calls. |
After all, these women claim to have an interest in video games and other guy/lad topics. (Perhaps Sara Underwood does have an interest in gadgets and smartphones and gaming, but I doubt those subjects came up during her interview with the irradiated corpse that is Hugh Hefner.) Do you think Elle Macpherson would even know how to turn on an Xbox? Can Paulina Whatsherface even spell "PS3"? The G4 women present this down-to-earth image so a guy will think, "All I have to do is tell this hottie the secret cheat code to [whatever game is hot right now; I'm too lazy to research], and I'm friggin' in!" Granted, there are females who play video games, but few of them look like Sara Underwood.
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They don't even know you exist. |
The series of video responses the channel chose to display revealed a motley assortment of goons that could trace part of their ancestry to featured extras from Tod Browning's Freaks. One guy, whose large, fleshy, bearded face filled the entire screen like a fist stuck in a tub of I Can't Believe It's Not Lard, elucidated at length about how he played some game (I don't remember which, like that even makes a difference) for so long that before he knew it, it was the next morning and he had forgotten to eat; I believed the former but not the latter.
And this was one of the video responses that made the cut!
I worry for the female gamer. She might not look like a Playboy playmate — she might look like you or me. (Well, hopefully not me, for her sake.) And she might express interest in a fellow gamer. And in a normal world, the gamer would realize that he's lucky that anyone with a pulse instead of might be interested in him. But thanks to G4, he's going to hold out for Sara Underwood. And that will be a wait much longer than the amount of time that ogre in the previous paragraph spent gaming.
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